Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Gain Weight In 1 Month

How To Gain Weight In 1 Month

being a dietician, i must tell you that you should not try to gain your weight by 10kgs in a month.that is not at all good for your gain weight by 1.5kg/week, take regular meals with additional protein rich foods like milk shakes with 2eggwhites, 2-3tsp of peanut butter with bread, 1 cup yogurt, icecreams, chicken or fish(grilled), beans, peas, lentils(1/2 cup cooked or sprouted) etc.if you are not able to take food, stick on resource high protein powder-6scoops/day in milk

How To Gain Weight In 1 Month


and consult your docter to know the root cause of low weight, he may suggest you some de-worming tablets
dont take too much of fatty foods, use only refined oils if so.

How To Gain Weight In 1 Month

all the best

How To Gain Weight In 1 Month